AkinfeAyo's blog

ICC poised to open investigation into abduction of school pupils across northern Nigeria

INTERNATIONAL Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutors are planning to initiate investigations into the abduction of school pupils across Nigeria in response to a petition it received from the Socio Economic Rights and Accountability Project (Serap).



Ohaneze Ndigbo blasts Malami for accusing Ipob of being responsible for #Endsars protests

OHANEZE Ndigbo has lashed out at justice minister Abubakar Malami for blaming Indigenous People of Biafra (Ipob) leader Nnamdi Kanu for the #Endsars protests which took place across the nation last year.



DSS operatives took a team of herbalists along with them when they raided Sunday Igboho's house

NIGERIAN security operatives who raided Yoruba Nation campaigner Sunday Adeyemo's Ibadan home on July 1 took three native doctors along with them on the operation to protect them against any dark powers that could be deployed.



Katsina youth confesses to conniving with bandits to kidnap his own 60 year old father

KATSINA State youth Hamza Isah has admitted to conniving with bandits to kidnap his own father from Rinjin Gora village in Matazu Local Government Area of the state after the two of them had a recent altercation.



Arsenal reported to also be interested in signing Nigerian striker Paul Onuachu from Genk

ENGLISH Premier League giants Arsenal are now expected to join the race to sign Nigerian striker Paul Onuachu as his recent exploits with Belgian side Genk have turned him into one of the most sought-after players in Europe.



Nigeria needs to spearhead the recreation of the Non Aligned Movement this time making it an economic body with a mandate to get its fair share of direct investment

Ayo Akinfe

[1] On September 1 1961, the The Non-Aligned Movement of 120 developing world states that were not formally aligned with any major power bloc was formed. With its headquarters in Belgrade, the association was supposed to represent developing nations caught up in the East-West power spat called the Cold War


Who else would have loved to see President Buhari use the Turkish leader’s visit as an opportunity to announce an unprecedented ship building programme to manufacture giant vessels like this

Ayo Akinfe

[1] President Recep Erdogan of Turkey just completed a two-day visit to Nigeria during which both countries signed eight bilateral deals in areas that covered energy, defence, mining and hydrocarbons among others



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