Atiku's son says his father will be running for president again come 2023 while he is eyeing a senate seat

FORMER vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar may run for president again come 2023 after his son Adamu revealed that his father may decide to throw his hart into the ring again in three years time.



Even if the government is irresponsible in the discharging of its duties, here are 10 things ordinary Nigerians could do in their private lives to help revive the economy post-coronavirus

Ayo Akinfe

(1) Suspend all religious pilgrimages for 10 years. You going to Jerusalem, Rome, Mecca or Medina is putting undue pressure on our foreign exchange market. With oil prices in the doldrums, Nigeria needs to save as much foreign exchange as it can

(2) Reduce your attendance at Owambes to once a quarter. Spraying is actually a very inflationary practise

(3) Instal solar panels on your roof to enable you generate some electricity


Majek Fahek's family launches appeal to raise money needed to fly his body back to Nigeria

MAJEK Fashek's family have launched a fundraising campaign aimed at raising enough finance to fly the  body of the reggae artist back to Nigerian from the US where he passed away earlier this month.



Nollywood actress Foluke Daramola-Salako says 75% of rape cases involve religious leaders

NOLLYWOOD actress Foluke Daramola-Salako has revealed that about 75% of the rape cases her charity has dealt with involve religious leaders who have exploited vulnerable women and youngsters.



All this talk about being fair to the negro is just hypocritical unless the rest of the world is prepared to back it up with an African development plan. Here are basic things they can do:

Ayo Akinfe

(1) Stop exporting our wildlife. If anyone wants to see lions, elephants, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, gorillas, baboons, zebras, rhinos, hippos, etc, they should go to Africa. There is absolutely no justification for the zoo. For starters it is a crime against nature to cage wild animals


Two Deeper Life Church married women charged after they engage in public fight over a man

TWO married female members of the Deeper Life Church in Lagos State have been charged before an Isolo Magistrate court for disturbing the peace after they engaged in a public fight in a dispute about husband snatching.



Madagascan president sacks minister for wanting to hand out $2m worth of sweets to kids

MADAGASCAR'S President Andry Rajoelina has sacked the country's education minister Rijasoa Andriamanana for planning to spend $2m purchasing sweets and handing them to children to ameliorate the taste of Covid Organics.



June 6 is no ordinary day in the history of mankind as back in 1944 we did the virtually impossible with an unprecedented amphibious landing. Let Africa as a continent regard June 6 2020 as its own Decision Day

Ayo Akinfe

(1) World War Two is one is my favourite historical topics. I just cannot stop marvelling at the ingenuity it brought to the fore. It was during this conflict that the world made the switch from an agrarian economy into an industrial one


Rapper Kanye West donates $2m to the families of George Floyd and other black victims of police brutality

RAPPER and fashion designed Kanye West has donated $2m to support the grieving families of George Floyd and other victims of police brutality in the US as well as offered to cover the legal fees of any court action they take against the authorities.



Wearing of facemasks to be compulsory while travelling on UK public transport as from June 15

WEARING facemasks while on public transport across the UK will become compulsory as from June 15 as part of new measures introduced by the government to protect public health as it eases the coronavirus lockdown.




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