10 pledges Nigeria’s elite could make in 2020 to get the masses onboard and make them feel part of society

By Ayo Akinfe

(1) Stop going for medical treatment abroad. Basically, this means dying in Nigerian hospitals

(2) Sell off all their private jets

(3) Start sending their kids to Nigerian universities

(4) Restrict themselves to the use of Innoson vehicles

(5) Impose pay restraints on themselves under which no one earns more than four times the minimum wage

(6) Get religious bodies to which they belong to pay a 60% tax rate

(7) Stop state funding of traditional monarchies. Instead, put that money into education

(8) Gradually phase out the motor car and start using public transport. Augment this by cycling now and again

(9) Spend holidays at Nigerian resorts like Obudu, Olumo Rock, Idanre Hills, etc. A 10 year moratorium must be placed on all those junkets to places like Dubai, Mauritius and Qatar as they represent the height of insensitivity. Such squandermania is what makes the blood of the Nigerian masses boil

(10) Place a 10 year moratorium on participating in religious pilgrimages
